OLD – About

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About Simply Solar

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Mission & Story


Our mission is to provide renewable energy solutions to California to improve the use of environmental and financial resources.


Meet Our Experts

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Our Story

Anita, Jason and Sergio began their careers in the solar industry over a decade ago, and, over time, they found that they shared a few common values: a long term commitment to their customers, and a long term commitment to green and renewable energy. Those common values brought them together again and again. Those values also distinguished them among a community that often saw solar energy as a way to make a quick buck or as an extension to a more developed business.

Determined to deliver a high-quality customer experience with best-in-class materials and services, the team formed Simply Solar in 2013. The vision was simple, to deliver every part of the installation process from sales to financing to installation with integrity and accountability. The idea was as novel then as it is now because most sales organizations do not provide installations, and most installers have no long term relationships with the end customers. By taking on the entire process, Simply Solar made it easy for their customers to lower their carbon footprint, and ensured a high value experience at every point.

Today, Simply Solar is a leading seller and installer of green energy solutions in Southern California. Our mission is to help California achieve net zero carbon emissions through green energy and renewable solutions. In pursuit of that mission we have been recognized by industry and civic organizations for our excellence in quality and service, and we have installed solar solutions for a wide range of public facilities, businesses and residences. We are grateful to our customers, our staff, and suppliers for their partnership in reducing Southern California’s carbon emissions.

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Our Core Values

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[mk_icon_box2 icon_size=”64″ icon=”mk-li-paper-plane” icon_color=”#55b047″ icon_hover_color=”#ffcc00″ title=”Value Title 2″ title_size=”24″ title_weight=”bold” title_color=”#6699cc” title_top_padding=”0″ title_bottom_padding=”0″ animation=”bottom-to-top”]Donec imperdiet sem nisl, vitae tempor arcu venenatis id. Morbi at eros condimentum, venenatis turpis eu, laoreet odio. Morbi imperdiet consequat eros.[/mk_icon_box2]
[mk_icon_box2 icon_size=”64″ icon=”mk-li-leaf” icon_color=”#55b047″ icon_hover_color=”#ffcc00″ title=”Value Title 3″ title_size=”24″ title_weight=”bold” title_color=”#6699cc” title_top_padding=”0″ title_bottom_padding=”0″ animation=”bottom-to-top”]In tempor ultricies urna faucibus condimentum. Aliquam ultrices risus a turpis consectetur dignissim. Etiam vitae orci non massa.[/mk_icon_box2]
[mk_icon_box2 icon_size=”64″ icon=”mk-li-cup” icon_color=”#55b047″ icon_hover_color=”#ffcc00″ title=”Value Title 4″ title_size=”24″ title_weight=”bold” title_color=”#6699cc” title_top_padding=”0″ title_bottom_padding=”0″ animation=”bottom-to-top”]Integer at dolor et purus facilisis fringilla. Nam et massa viverra lectus volutpat suscipit. Fusce mauris ante, pellentesque a nibh ut, elementum finibus purus.[/mk_icon_box2]
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Get a free solar installation estimate

Solar governance is complicated. We’re here to make it simple. We’re financially savvy, industry proven, and the easy experience partner for commercial and residential solar installs. To schedule a free consultation with one of our experts please fill out this form.

Get a free solar installation estimate

Solar governance is complicated. We’re here to make it simple. We’re financially savvy, industry proven, and easy experience partner for commercial and residential solar installs. To schedule a free consultation with one of our experts please fill out this form.

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Contact us

Would you like to discuss your solar power needs and learn more about how Simply Solar can help? Give us a call today or email us to get a quick response from one of our helpful team members.

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